Your Query of 'peg' Resulted in 2 Matches
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Peg Tweet Definition of Peg Like Definition of Peg on Facebook
proper noun 
  1. a female given name, diminutive of Peggy

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peg Tweet Definition of peg Like Definition of peg on Facebook
  1. A cylindrical wooden, metal etc. object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects.
  2. A protrusion used to hang things on.
  3. (cribbage) A peg moved on a crib board to keep score.
    verb (peg, g, ing)
    1. To fasten using a peg.
    2. To narrow the cuff openings of a pair of pants so that the legs take on a peg shape.
    3. To pin down or otherwise affix using a pin.
    4. To throw.
    5. (cribbage) To move one's pegs to indicate points scored.
    6. To indicate or ascribe, as "He's been pegged as a suspect." Usage assumed to originate from the use of pegs or pins as markers on a bulletin board or a list.
    Etymology: & pegge, probably cognate and rhymed with wegge.

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