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verb (lam, ing)
  1. (transitive) To cause a person or animal to become lame
    • 1877: Anna Sewell, Black Beauty: And if you don't want to your horse you must look sharp and get them stones stuck in hooves out quickly.
adjective (lam, er)
  1. unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs
  2. moving with pain or difficulty on account of injury, defect, or temporary obstruction of a function
a leg, arm, or muscle
  1. (context, by extension) hobbling; limping; inefficient; imperfect.
  2. (slang) unconvincing or unbelievable
He had a really excuse for missing the birthday party.
  1. (slang) failing to be cool, funny, interesting, or relevant
He kept telling these jokes all night.

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