covenant Tweet Definition of covenant Like Definition of covenant on Facebook
  1. (legal) An agreement to do or not do a particular thing.
  2. (legal) A promise, incidental to a deed or contract, either express or implied.
    1. A pact or binding agreement between two or more parties.
    2. An incidental clause in an agreement.
    3. (biblical) God's promise to humanity after the Flood, symbolised by the rainbow.
    4. (biblical) God's promise to Israel in both the Old Testament and the New Testament that He would redeem the nation of Israel, give Israel the land of Zion, and "appear in his glory" and "come out of Zion" when "all Israel shall be saved" (cf. Psalm 201:15-18, Romans 11:25-27).
    5. (biblical) God's general promise of salvation to the faithful as taught in the Bible.
  • Italian: patto , accordo solenne , contratto
  • Spanish: convenio , contrato , alianza , pacto
  1. to enter into, or promise something by, a covenant
  1. (legal) To enter a formal agreement.
  2. (legal) To bind oneself in contract.
  3. (legal) To make a stipulation.

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