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  1. (context, Weapon) A container for arrows, crossbow bolts or darts, such as those fired from a bow, crossbow or blowgun.
  • 1598: Don Pedro: Nay, if Cupid have not spent all his quiver in Venice, thou wilt quake for this shortly. Benedick:I look for an earthquake too then. — William Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing, Act I, Scene I, line 271.
  • 1786: Arrows were carried in quiver, called also an arrow case, which served for the magazine, arrows for immediate use were worn in the girdle. — Francis Grose, A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, page 39.
  • adjective 
    1. (obsolete) Nimble, active.
    • 1598: ... there was a little quiver fellow, and 'a would manage you his piece thus; and 'a would about and about, and come you in and come you in. — William Shakespeare, Henry V, Part II, Act III, Scene II, line 281.

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